Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes I Choose to Re-Consider My Choices

I met someone today that spent 10 days at the Tree of Life, and learned of an enema using water and lemon juice. This options allows me to reconsider the enema as part of this cleansing and purfication journey. I will use this enema instead of the salt water flush and smooth move.
My intention is to experience this Juice Feast (c) in a way that works best for me, and which could serve as another option for how others might choose to experience this Juice Feast (c)
Tomorrow evening I will begin my first coaching session, with my Juice Feast (c) coach. I have some questions and I look forward to our coaching call.
Today, I took my measurements, post raw food feasting with friends, and created a log to maintain a weekly record of my transformation.
Right now, I have a headache, though it is waning...I drank some pineapple-carrot juice and that has been helpful. Now, I am going to rest a bit. Tomorrow is day one of my Juice Feast (c)
...Viva la Green Juice...

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